Raw Oatmeal Cookies

Your brain and your belly will agree…

Good for your brain yet satisfying to the soul! Once you have made (and enjoyed) this simple, quick, and delicious recipe once, we know you’ll want to add it to your regular food preparation rotation! With the whole-grain goodness of oats, seasoned with the sweet inflammatory powerhouse cinnamon, and laced with flaxseed, the omega-3 essential fatty-acid superfood, these cookies will sweeten your mind as they delight your pallet.

Raw Oatmeal Walnut Cookies

makes approx. 24 cookies

Process all ingredients together in a food processor until well combined. If the mixture appears crumbly, add 1-3 T water until it holds together. Roll by rounded tablespoonfuls into balls, and place on a cookie sheet or cutting board lined with parchment paper. Using a fork, flatten them down, creating a criss-cross pattern. Refrigerate 3-4 hours or until firm.


1.5 C dates, pitted

1.25 C walnuts

1.25 C oats

2T ground flaxseed

1.5 T sugar

2 tsp cinnamon

1 t vanilla

Make it memorable.

Enjoy these sweet treats with a cup of hot green or turmeric tea. Be sure to celebrate the beauty of the moment by complimenting your soul and mind-fueling foods with your best (and maybe most rarely used) plate and tea cup or mug.

Bring the best of your mind into the moment, by sinking into hear-felt conversation with a friend, or by journaling on the following:

What is the sweetest thing someone else has ever done for you? How did it make you feel? What impact has your kindness had on someone else?

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