The blending of separate parts into a unified whole.

The way we store and recall information, along with a recollection of the past.

What is Integrative Memory?

Integrative Memory is

Integrative Memory is a whole-person approach to optimizing how and what we remember. Memory is not simply a function of encoding and recalling, it is a multi-faceted and evolving process.


Dynamic &

Dynamic and diverse human beings remember not only with the mind, but with the emotions, the physical body, the senses, and the integral aspect of ourselves that directs our thinking and attention as we walk through our daily lives.



United together, all aspects of our lives that contribute to memory result in a lifestyle that supports our strongest ability to remember.



Living memorably means taking a whole-person approach to memory, and seeking our finest memory in the moments we hope never to forget.

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Transforming the mind

Providing effective ways to employ the most recent and influential research on memory and brain health is the foundation of our company. We operate under the awareness that everyone at any age can take steps towards a more robust memory.

We recognize that your memory needs and goals are unique.  Our services and products are designed to support your individual path and personal motivations as you step into your best memory!

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Your best memory awaits

The Memory Alive!© learning system provides a functional and effective pathway into your most memorable lifestyle and your best memory.  Using memory retention strategies alongside research-based lifestyle modifications and interventions, the A.C.E.S. of memory (Attention, Change, Emotion, Sensation) are applied to five foundational layers of lifestyle: Exercise, Mealtimes, Learning, Social Life, and Home Environment. 

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Meet Lisa Randall, M.S.

Founder and Developer of Integrative Memory

Lisa Randall, M.S., Integrative Memory founder and developer of the Memory Alive!© learning program, created the company in 2018 to put the company philosophy into action. Her extensive background with Integrative Medicine inspired her to help others obtain the dramatic improvement to life quality that can occur when a person’s mind, brain, body and energy are effectively nurtured and engaged as a whole. With her education in Kinesiology, Gerontology and Public Health, along with experience in multiple healthcare and educational settings, she has delivered engaging and effective transformational memory programs to individuals and small groups, along with corporate and community organizations for many years.   

Lisa resides with her son and daughter in North San Diego County, CA, where they aim to make as many lasting and joyful memories as possible.

Get started with Integrative Memory, today.