Unlocking the A.C.E.S of Memory

Attention, Change, Emotion, and Sensation

Use the A.C.E.S. acronym to recall four key factors that play a role in unlocking a better memory.

Memory is shaped by several key factors that influence how deeply we encode and recall information.

Attention acts as the gateway to memory—when we focus, we give our brains the ability to process and store information more effectively. Without attention, experiences are less likely to be remembered. Learn some simple and effective ways to enhance your attention.

Change and novelty stimulate the brain, encouraging the formation of new neural connections. Experiencing something new keeps the brain engaged, enhancing both cognitive flexibility and memory retention. Find out more.

Emotion plays a powerful role by embedding memories more deeply. Strong emotions activate the brain's memory centers, making emotionally charged events easier to recall and more vivid. Learn some practical ways to harness emotion for stronger memories.

Finally, sensation—the input from our five senses—adds richness to memories. Visuals, sounds, smells, and even tastes trigger specific memories, often bringing experiences back with clarity and detail. These factors together shape how and what we remember, enriching our cognitive world. Read about the role each sense plays in memory.


Attention Building Exercises for Better Memory


Using Acronyms