Setting Emotional Intention

Prepare to gather a collection of joyful memories today!

All of our memories carry an emotional charge, and as we mentally re-call, re-member, and re-live our memories, so too do we revive that emotional energy.

A question we must ask ourselves, then, is one of the origin of those emotional charges? Did the emotions we re-experience when an event is re-membered spontaneously manifest as a direct result of the moment at hand, or were they born of our mindset and our thought cycles that we carried into the experience?

As we step into our upcoming day, we know that out mindset and our emotional climate will dictate not only where our attention is places and what we will remember, but also what type of emotional charges those memories we create will carry.

This brief guided meditation is designed to help us set the stage… to prepare to gather up joyful memories that will serve to enhance our lives and the quality of our memory!


The “8-Second” Rule


What is Living Memorably?