The Link Method: A simple tool for a stronger memory


The Link Method is a simple, straightforward and descriptive way to remember.

It is a memory tool that associates, or "links" one item to be remembered to the next. It uses stories or scenarios with vivid imagery, making items in a list (or conversation talking points, facts about history...etc.) easier to recall.

Memory professionals will use this technique to remember lists of words, multiple decks of cards, and long sequences of numbers. You can use this tool to boost your memory in daily life by applying it to your “to- do” or grocery list, or even the important points you want to make in an upcoming meeting at work or conversation with a friend.

Take the following example. Let’s say the following items were on your list of things to do on a Saturday:

  • Get groceries

  • Wash the car

  • Call your cousin

  • Fix the broken shelf

  • Sweep the garage

  • Make chili

Using the link method, you could create a visual scenario. By recalling the first item on the list, the rest of the items would be simple and easy to recall.

Imagine a bag of groceries (maybe with bananas as arms and carrots as legs) washing your car in the driveway… perhaps using a head of lettuce in lieu of a sponge! Next, visualize your cousin (while on the phone) grabbing a broom from the broken shelf and then sweeping hot chili that had spilled all over the floor out of the garage…

The creative options are endless! Have fun and be creative as you explore ways to inject the link method into your lifestyle as you step into your best memory.


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